It's crazy how fast this summer went by. I think I can describe my entire summer in two words: family and (and doesn't count as one of the words...and neither does any of this stuff within parenthesis) religion. Those are the only two areas where I put any effort ALL summer. I'm wondering how things are gonna play out on both fronts when I move to New York.
I can already see that my family is going to miss me. They make any excuse they can to help me with packing and shopping and getting things organized. And the kids will just come to my room for no reason, just to talk. It's really sweet. I don't think I'll miss the hectic-ness but I will definitely miss having the kids to talk to and hang out with.
Also, my ba. I miss living with her and while it's been nice over the summer, things have been different in some ways. Her personality has changed because she has taken on the responsibility of helping raise her grandkids. She is a lot more stressed and tired and also the overall tensions that arise between family members is a huge burden on her. I really hope she finds peace in all of this. It's kind of sad because she had just gotten back to her old self after my grandfather passed away. She was just getting used to living life and enjoying it and now all of this is thrown into the picture. I guess we all have our burdens to bear..
I'm not too nervous about going to medical school mainly because the grad program I was in gave me a good taste of what medical school entails. Academically, I sort of know what to expect so I'm not very anxious about handling the classwork and studying. It's just gonna be weird to start all over in a new place. I guess it's like taking a step back in time and going to undergrad all over again--new city, new apartment, new friends. It's all a bit strange to have to go through it all over again!
So remember how reading was a major goal for the summer?? I should have been a little more specific in my diction. I read a lot, but I don't know if I finished enough books. I started a bunch of novels so my overall pages read isn't too shabby. But I don't know how anything ends! I went to the library today to drop some books off and I was SO tempted to get a new book but it's really not worth it. I'm not gonna get much reading done in the next two days!
I think one of my major regrets this summer is that I wasn't able to spend enough quality time with my siblings. We've all been busy with our own things this summer and the free time we do have, it's generally spent with each other, plus 5 or so other people. I wish the timing of things could've been different so the last summer at home for my sister and me didn't coincide with my relatives coming from India. But I guess it's about making the best of any situation and I think I was able to do that pretty well.
I've been thinking about friends a lot lately...It's weird how easily people can slip out of my life if I don't make the effort. I haven't been too good this summer cuz of all the busyness at home. And I don't think med school is gonna make it any easier so I'm just gonna have to balance it all out. Ah well, we live and we learn!
To leave off, my friend's REALLY cute kittens:
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