Last night I went with a couple of my friends to a free screening of Knowing starring Nicholas Cage. The movie was pretty good, until the last quarter of it when the religious undertone became the main focus. Even though I am a spiritual person, I never really like when movies throw the religious views in your face. In my opinion (I refuse to use IMO), religion isn't something that needs that sort of representation. It's not a 'cause' that the movie needs to make people aware of. I guess I can still enjoy a movie like the Narnia movies where there is clear Biblical depiction but it remains an undertone. Towards the end of this movie, I just felt like the religious focus was unnecessary and for me, it took away from the overall experience of the movie. But overall, the movie was pretty good. The graphics and the premise were good enough to overcompensate for Nicholas Cage's acting.
I saw some weird things on the way to the screening on the subway. There was this man who, from the looks of it, was a bum. But then he sits down in the seat across the aisle and whips out LOTS of twenty dollar bills. The entire car was staring at him as he counted his money, dropped some of it, (to our despair) noticed that he dropped it, and started to recount. It was the weirdest thing. Also on the same subway ride, at one of the stops some guy comes onto the train and the doors close. Realizing it's not the train he needs to be on, he sticks his fingers between the doors and pulls them apart to get off the train. I don't know what the big deal was but apparently getting off the wrong train at that moment was worth the risk of losing fingers?
So today I have neurolab 2-4. I really don't want to go but considering it's the first lab, I'm pretty sure that would be a bad decision. I just preread the manual so I'm sorta prepared I guess? I don't know why but I am so intimidated by this class. I guess it's because we haven't had a lab yet and I didn't get my book yet so I feel like I'm being kept in the dark. Oh well, maybe at 4 pm I'll feel better. I'm gonna go eat some breakfast and go to class. Yay class!
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