There's this beautiful website that I came across a while ago that has really lifted my spirits when I am down. It's called and it's a compilation of people's experiences with random acts of kindness. It's a beautiful idea and with so many readers and contributors, there is always something on that site that alleviates my disappointment with the world. I definitely have moments when I wonder where all the good is and I doubt its existence. In those moments, I do some soul searching and ever since I found this site, I read some stories to feel positive again. Witnessing the kindness of strangers like this reminds me that sometimes when things look down, we have to look up at the stars and remember that we're not alone. As Oscar Wilde put it: We are all in the gutters but some of us are looking up at the stars. I really like that quote because it reminds me that I have full control of my attitude, regardless of the situation I am in. It is a message of hope and optimism.
Last night I watched Catch Me If You Can. It was a pretty good movie. I really like how Leonardo DiCaprio blossomed (I know, I know, couldn't I have picked a less girly word to describe it!) into a respectable actor. It's not just his good looks and charm anymore but his merit as an actor. Speaking of good looks, I may go see Duplicity with my sister in a bit. Sigh, gotta love that Clive Owen. More later! Meanwhile, just enjoy the sunflowers!
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