1. I saw Star Trek in IMAX!!! It was SO good and definitely worth every penny. I never really watched the show but they made the movie accessible to all audiences. It was a great experience, definitely worth seeing!
2. I saw The Holiday with Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jack Black, and Jude Law. (Which one of those doesn't belong haha) No but seriously, I was just squinting at the screen wondering if that is actually Jack Black! He seemed kind of out of place in terms of the story and even his character. Not to say he did badly, it just wasn't what you would expect from him. Beyond that, there is nothing remarkable about the movie. It's entertaining enough but definitely not a big deal if you don't see it. One thing I found strange was that anyone could just switch homes with someone on a whim like that. It's kind of crazy and intimidating I think. Ah well, I guess if I had to switch into anyone's home might as well be Kate Winslet's or Cameron Diaz's, right?
3. I went to Italian Bistro for lunch. It was a fun time. I've found that I am particular about fettucine alfredo. I like the dish but I don't think many restaurants make it the way I crave it. Maybe I prefer a more Americanized version of the pasta but whatever it is, Maggiano's does it right! (plus they add broccoli!)
4. I have been studying a good amount. I have an exam coming up on Monday and with a wedding to attend this weekend, I am in a crunch for time. Not to worry though, with proper planning I will be able to do well =) Ahh, I love neuro!
5. I am reading The namesake. I went to my library hoping to walk out with Interpreter of Maladies but unfortunately it wasn't there. So instead I got the namesake. It's interesting to read a book after already knowing the story. It has a thrill of it's own--reading how a certain memorable scene is written and replaying it in your head. Fun stuff =)
6. Reminiscing/Being Emotional. I am down to a little over 2 weeks in Philly. While the end of the school year is something that will never fail to bring excitement, it is definitely overwhelming to think about how this chapter is about to end. It really is bittersweet and I am just trying to make the most of the time that is left. It is hard to keep my mind off that countdown calendar in my head but I am trying really hard to not focus on that..
So those are all the things I've been busy with and now I'll share some random thoughts I've had that I want to share. I'm gonna stick with a numbered list because well, why mess with what works?
1. I think it's amazing how far we've come in terms of technology. Just the other day I was noticing how one of my friends has downloaded the newest version of Windows. I think it's remarkable how some people still haven't gotten (used to) Windows Vista and now there's a new version for them to struggle with. We live in a society where we are constantly outdoing ourselves. Every step we take seems to carry us a mile away from the previous step. In such a vibrant and dynamic system, it is easy to forget the value of the previous step. Sometimes I just stop and think about how amazing it is that somebody invented something as commonplace as a pen. It's remarkable how rich our lives are and how little we realize that.
2. Oreo milkshakes are just about the best thing there ever was. (See, simple inventions can really bring magic to a hot, dry afternoon!) I LOVE oreo milkshakes. I had an Oreo Frosty from Wendy's today and it was just amazing. Absolutely amazing!
3. Coke Zero. Good stuff, right? The only thing that could make it better is---oh I don't know, how about getting 11 cans for free!! On my way to Wendy's I passed a coke zero truck that was giving away sample cans for free. Definitely made it a point to get one--11 times! I am stocked up for the rest of the month now =D
Alright well that's about all I can gather for now. I'm gonna start studying because I have practice later..
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