I came home last night from Philly after my last exam (woohoo is an understatement) and ended up getting stuck in the train for 4 HOURS! Mind you I live an hour and half from Philly! It was such a long and tiring journey but I am SO glad I had a book with me. I really don't know what I would've done if I didn't have a book..
So since I mentioned it..the book I'm reading now was given to me as a parting gift from one of my close friends. It's called "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" and it's really interesting. It's written by this really brilliant physicist who has definitely made his mark in the field of physics. It is anecdotal in style and there are definitely some funny blurbs in it! I have read a third of it already and I wouldn't be surprised if I finished it by the end of the week!
OH I tricked the library! Soo what happened was, I lost my library card freshman year of college and I never bothered getting a new one since I was in Philly the last 4 years. But now I'm home for the summer and I definitely need some books to keep my brain occupied while it's not studying so I need a card. There's this new online thing where you can request a card to be mailed to you. So I did that a few weeks ago. Then I had to go in to get the card activated. I figured this is where I would get caught and be forced to surrender a $3 fine for losing a card...NOPE!! They just activated my card and off I went! I am so excited about this! I saved $3! =D
Other than tricking the library, I spent my day playing tennis in the morning and then cleaning for the afternoon. I vacuumed the whole house and swept the floors and cleaned the counters and the cabinets. One of the things I realized this morning was that I really missed being home. A lot of the things I took for granted before, like sitting outside with my grandmother while eating breakfast, really mean a lot to me. This morning me, my mom, and my ba sat outside and ate our breakfast together. Last night before going to bed, me, my sister, and my mom sat and talked for a while. (I'm tempted to make a Venn diagram of the people involved in sitting around haha) But yeah...those moments where we're just relaxing with each other are so meaningful and I never realized before. I'm just glad I have this for a while.
I don't know if I mentioned it before but my house is going to become a zoo very soon. My mom's family from India is moving here, like permanently..that's a dozen people added on to the 6 that are currently in my house. It is going to be a mad house! I think the biggest lesson I am going to learn this summer is patience. Of the 12 people coming, 6 are kids...all younger than my brother (16). And all of which absolutely ADORE me. It's going to be interesting...I just want to enjoy these moments of peace with my immediate family before we are constantly surrounded by relatives.
Thank you for your kind words on my brother's passing. It's nice to meet you. Glad your exams are over. Sounds like you have an exciting summer ahead of you. Adoration may get exhausting, but it has it's perks. Hope you enjoy their visit and your summer.
ReplyDeleteHey, I've been reading your blog for a while, but this is the first time posting. I really liked the Feynman book too! He's so accessible while being this super genius. When I read it, I wanted to be just like him and grow up to be a great physicist haha, but then I realized I sucked at math, so that was out pretty quickly. The library trick was pretty nifty, I recently moved back home so I'll need to dig up my old library card too. Good luck with the zoo-house, looks like you're plate is pretty full!