Mornings and evenings have been spent going to prayer and in between the two is when school is in session. The good thing is I'm getting used to having all these people around. I can tolerate the noise a lot better and the tolerance factor is definitely increasing. I played volleyball and cards and board games with the kids in the past week.
I think one good thing that comes out of all this is that my brother and sister are maturing. They weren't immature (at least not more than the average kid anyway) but they definitely had some growing up to do. I'm glad they're learning from having all these kids around. Now that's taking 'taste of your own medicine' to an entirely different (cruel and unusual?) level!
Our lawn mowing people that we hired ditched us. Our lawn is too much for them so they don't wanna do it anymore. So two days ago, I mowed most of the lawn and my uncles helped too. But then when we refilled the oil we put the wrong kind so the lawnmower got mad at us. Now there's a randomly located square patch of grass that hasn't been mowed. Oh well! Maybe I should've tried this with the lawn mowers:
My exercise lately has been a lot of sports. We put up the volleyball net for my sister's backyard graduation party so it's been up since. I play volleyball and badminton and soccer (who knew a volleyball net can be a soccer goal too?!) It's been a lot of fun. That's one of the benefits of having so many kids around...we can actually play team sports!
I've found that getting well adjusted to having so many people around is making life a lot better. I actually look forward to playing with the kids and helping the adults in the kitchen. I make jokes and I talk to them about anything on their minds. It's nice to have the company and I know I will miss it when I am buried in books in a month.
Oh so on the med school of my roommates has decided to withdraw because she got accepted to another school. So now we are on the hunt again for a roommate. I'm not too concerned though cuz financially I wouldn't be responsible for her portion (I hope?)
Well now I'm gonna get some reading done (still workin on corelli's mandolin)..I haven't had enough time for myself lately so I need to take advantage when I get it!
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