Okay so back to my news. I don't have a summer job anymore. The company I was working for realized that they aren't as understaffed as they thought and they don't need my help as much as they thought sooo I "can spend some time with my family before I go off to medical school".
I don't blame them for not keeping me...I mean I did have enough time to read two entire books all during work. I just wish they thought it through before hiring me because it's gonna be hard to find a job for a month now. I could've had a summer long project but one month is tough. I'm gonna start looking today though. I don't really care if it's a job or a voluntary type of thing but I just need to be doing something. I can't sit around the house all day with nothing to do. So here's to my search!
Today my brother started his internship at the state assemblyman's office. It's kinda weird seeing him grow up so fast. I can't believe he's already interning at places! I think having these India kids here really makes me see my siblings in a different light. How mature and grown up they are really strikes me when I have a bunch of preteens to compare them to. I think there is a difference in maturity in kids that grow up here and kids that grow up there. In some ways, my cousins are more mature than my siblings. They always know to help out with everything and they can understand a life of struggle better than we can. But in terms of decorum and emotional maturity, there's a huge discrepancy. Now on the decorum front, I completely understand that they don't subscribe to the same societal rules that we do so it's unreasonable to expect them to get the hang of that right away. But the emotional maturity---that one puzzles me. There are points when the 15 year old is fighting with the 6 year old and I'm standing there wondering which girl is which age. There are certain things you can tell those kids a thousand times and they will still never get the hang of it. They aren't as open-minded as kids here and I think that's gonna make it tough for them to adjust to life here. They have a huge transition to make and the more open they keep their minds, the easier it will be for them. I hope they are able to see that soon and able to make the necessary changes. Ah well, I guess whatever fate has in store for them..
Time for breakfast! More later (since I don't have a job or anything haha)
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