Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Something Intangible
I just saw a great play---so great it warrants a second post for today. It's called Something Intangible and it was at the Arden Theater. It was about two brothers, based on Walt and Roy Disney, and it explored the struggles inherent in their relationship. The struggles mainly rooted from envy and misunderstanding and it was interesting to see how they played out. The acting was superb and I think that is a reason the play really struck me. It was interesting how the character based on Walt Disney was so consumed by his ideas and making them come to life. An interesting point that arose was the feeling that comes along with knowing that you can never do anything better than what you've just done. Feeling that you're at the peak of your development must be such a sad feeling. That really shook me when he came to that realization, when he recognized that his journey from that point onwards would be downhill. I hope I never feel that way about anything, in terms of career, family, or life in general.
After the play, I walked from 2nd street to 15th street to catch the Drexel shuttle. The weather was beautiful and the conversation was enlightened, making for a wonderful walk back. (And I am using wonderful in its literal sense--truly full of wonder). Well, I'm gonna read the new book I started today: Howard's End. Off to reading and then a night full of sweet dreams =)
After the play, I walked from 2nd street to 15th street to catch the Drexel shuttle. The weather was beautiful and the conversation was enlightened, making for a wonderful walk back. (And I am using wonderful in its literal sense--truly full of wonder). Well, I'm gonna read the new book I started today: Howard's End. Off to reading and then a night full of sweet dreams =)
Ah, Philadelphia!
Last night I had the chance to hang out with some of my friends from undergrad that I haven't seen in a while...it was a really great time. We went to Maoz for falafel and then to Phileo for frozen yogurt (I had cheesecake flavored yogurt with graham cracker crumbles and strawberries on top). Then we went to a screening of Ghosts of Girlfriend's Past. I was thrilled to see that Matthew McConaughey had hair that was tolerable; to the dismay of my friends, I must've commented on it at least a dozen times!) There was a shirtless scene (of course!) but there wasn't any rugged sports-type scene (surprised!). The movie was okay--there were a few laughs here and there (mostly from Michael Douglas's lines) but the story was just alright. It's entertaining enough but definitely not worth going to the theaters for.
I have been keeping up with my work pretty diligently..it's not that hard with only one class but still haha! I am planning on spending my days very productively and very balanced. I don't think I have enough work to do to last all day anyway and now that the weather is blossoming I really want to take advantage of the last month in Philly. I want to go places and do the things I've always thought about but never got around to and even the things I've done so many times already but could always do 'just one last time'. It's weird to know that I'll be leaving this place where I spent four significant years. Philly has brought me lots of laughs and tears and everything else corny you can add to such a sentence. No but seriously, I have learned a lot here and I have definitely changed since I got here. This place will always have that special connection to my life and it's weird thinking I won't be roaming these streets again for a while. I guess I just want to take this last month and explore every aspect of Philly, just to take it all in before leaving.
I really believe a city has a personality and while I probably can't describe the vibe Philly gives off the way some tourist book would, I can definitely characterize what it says to me. Philly is a place of change and opportunity for me. I have had many opportunities that I fully recognize wouldn't have been possible anywhere else. I have learned a lot and changed in the process. I know a lot of people wouldn't consider Philly a city when comparing it to the likes of NYC, LA, and Miami but for me, it has represented a way of life I didn't know coming out of the suburbs. It was city enough for me!
Okay enough nostalgia about a place I am still in. It's a beautiful day out and I think I'm going to take a walk down to the gym..Enjoy!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Fields of Dandelions (my original remake of Sting?)
It's sooo beautiful out! I know my posts are beginning repetitively but I can't help it...it's GORGEOUS!
Yesterday I went to the park and played tennis. It was wonderful to be out and filling my lungs with the fresh spring air! Although I feel like we did sort of skip over spring weather and jumped straight into the 80 degree summer days! Ah, well I shouldn't be too upset cuz it's just a matter of a few days and then the rainy April days will spill over into May!
I was going to play tennis this morning but that didn't happen. No regrets though..I spent some time with my family and it's been great. This weekend was an excellent one. A facebook revolution swept through my home and now my brother and sister have crossed over! It's kind of exciting to have them on facebook but it's definitely a real eye-opener at how fast everyone is growing up..

Since I referenced childhood, I'm gonna share a story that my mom and I were remembering this morning. (Okay, okay, I only referenced it so I could follow up with the story haha) When we were younger and spring would arrive, my siblings and I would run outside to the 'beautiful yellow flowers' that were growing in our yard. Pairing them with the exquisite green flower-like things in the yard we would make a bouquet. We would run inside with our gatherings and present them to my mom. Little did we know they were just glorified weeds! We did this EVERY spring for years and nobody ever had the heart to tell us they are just weeds haha..good times =)
Now I'm just doing some work since most of my weekend was spent on facebook. Pretty soon it will be lunch time and I am super excited because we are making bhel! Then it's back to Philly. Train ride should be good because I am planning on reading more of Unaccustomed Earth. That book has got me all sorts of down and I am anticipating finishing it. I like the book but my mind gets thinking a bit too much and a bit too negatively so finishing will definitely be a good thing!
Alright time to learn about the reticular formation and then the sleep cycle (insert corny joke about hoping that lecture doesn't put me to sleep here)..
Yesterday I went to the park and played tennis. It was wonderful to be out and filling my lungs with the fresh spring air! Although I feel like we did sort of skip over spring weather and jumped straight into the 80 degree summer days! Ah, well I shouldn't be too upset cuz it's just a matter of a few days and then the rainy April days will spill over into May!
I was going to play tennis this morning but that didn't happen. No regrets though..I spent some time with my family and it's been great. This weekend was an excellent one. A facebook revolution swept through my home and now my brother and sister have crossed over! It's kind of exciting to have them on facebook but it's definitely a real eye-opener at how fast everyone is growing up..
Since I referenced childhood, I'm gonna share a story that my mom and I were remembering this morning. (Okay, okay, I only referenced it so I could follow up with the story haha) When we were younger and spring would arrive, my siblings and I would run outside to the 'beautiful yellow flowers' that were growing in our yard. Pairing them with the exquisite green flower-like things in the yard we would make a bouquet. We would run inside with our gatherings and present them to my mom. Little did we know they were just glorified weeds! We did this EVERY spring for years and nobody ever had the heart to tell us they are just weeds haha..good times =)
Now I'm just doing some work since most of my weekend was spent on facebook. Pretty soon it will be lunch time and I am super excited because we are making bhel! Then it's back to Philly. Train ride should be good because I am planning on reading more of Unaccustomed Earth. That book has got me all sorts of down and I am anticipating finishing it. I like the book but my mind gets thinking a bit too much and a bit too negatively so finishing will definitely be a good thing!
Alright time to learn about the reticular formation and then the sleep cycle (insert corny joke about hoping that lecture doesn't put me to sleep here)..
Friday, April 24, 2009
My House on Unaccustomed Earth
I'm home and it's wonderful! I helped my ba make chapati for dinner tonight and did half a lecture so far. I'm gonna finish the lecture and then maybe do another one, maybe not. We'll have to play by ear for this one.
I have gotten about halfway through Unaccustomed Earth. It's pretty deep stuff. At first I wasn't sure if I liked the short story format because when the story ends, I feel like I get jipped. A story is just long enough to make me forget about the characters from the previous story and right when I'm getting really interested and familiar with these characters, the story is over! A lot of times the endings are abrupt and leave me wondering what happens afterward. Things don't end neatly and the loose ends are anything but tied together. All of that being said, the stories have a haunting presence that really affect me in a sort of negative way. The themes that are present all have a negative aura that make me question and doubt people. The book as a whole seems to be a study of interactions between people: father and daughter, husband and wife, brother and sister. Lahiri is a gifted writer and the way she describes things, I feel as though I have either experienced them in my own family or I can imagine them happening. I do like the book but it's definitely not uplifting or encouraging. It's beautifully written and it really does haunt me and make me think. Well I have half a book to go, will probably finish it before the end of the week!
The weather has been beautiful today, in the 70s. The weekend weather will echo today's so I have a lot to look forward to. Definitely gonna try to get some tennis in! I watched the first episode of this season's House today. I'm gonna start catching up now that my schedule is a bit more manageable. I can't wait to catch up and knowing me, it won't be a long wait. I am so glad to have the free time I do now and I am taking advantage of it, doing the things that make me happy! Like I often do, I find 24 hours to be insufficient but for the first time in a while, I want more hours to squeeze in more fun, not more work.
Ah but back to the first episode of House...having this long absence from the show, I think I have become sensitized to how much of a jerk House really is. It's nuts! I really like the show but as far as his character, I'm gonna go ahead and take a leap away from the teenie-bopper House fanclub (not to be confused with the Mrs. Efrons alliance). House is extremely insecure and the way he projects his resentment onto his only friend Wilson is disheartening. I mean I really didn't like Amber but the way House was acting was completely out of line. Anyway, apart from all this House criticism, there was an idea in the episode that I liked. Thirteen was talking to a female patient that she felt she could relate to and the girl said "I would rather spend my time with the birds than spend it wishing I could have wings." I may have butchered the quote (all due apologies to House fanatics that have memorized the transcript) but I think the meaning is accessible. I thought it was interesting and maybe one of the best counterarguments for ambition I have heard, mainly because it doesn't imply laziness. I don't know..just something to think about!
Okay well now that I've procrastinated my lecture for quite some time, I am going to get to it so I can watch an episode of House AND read more Lahiri. A funny picture to leave off with..
I have gotten about halfway through Unaccustomed Earth. It's pretty deep stuff. At first I wasn't sure if I liked the short story format because when the story ends, I feel like I get jipped. A story is just long enough to make me forget about the characters from the previous story and right when I'm getting really interested and familiar with these characters, the story is over! A lot of times the endings are abrupt and leave me wondering what happens afterward. Things don't end neatly and the loose ends are anything but tied together. All of that being said, the stories have a haunting presence that really affect me in a sort of negative way. The themes that are present all have a negative aura that make me question and doubt people. The book as a whole seems to be a study of interactions between people: father and daughter, husband and wife, brother and sister. Lahiri is a gifted writer and the way she describes things, I feel as though I have either experienced them in my own family or I can imagine them happening. I do like the book but it's definitely not uplifting or encouraging. It's beautifully written and it really does haunt me and make me think. Well I have half a book to go, will probably finish it before the end of the week!
The weather has been beautiful today, in the 70s. The weekend weather will echo today's so I have a lot to look forward to. Definitely gonna try to get some tennis in! I watched the first episode of this season's House today. I'm gonna start catching up now that my schedule is a bit more manageable. I can't wait to catch up and knowing me, it won't be a long wait. I am so glad to have the free time I do now and I am taking advantage of it, doing the things that make me happy! Like I often do, I find 24 hours to be insufficient but for the first time in a while, I want more hours to squeeze in more fun, not more work.
Ah but back to the first episode of House...having this long absence from the show, I think I have become sensitized to how much of a jerk House really is. It's nuts! I really like the show but as far as his character, I'm gonna go ahead and take a leap away from the teenie-bopper House fanclub (not to be confused with the Mrs. Efrons alliance). House is extremely insecure and the way he projects his resentment onto his only friend Wilson is disheartening. I mean I really didn't like Amber but the way House was acting was completely out of line. Anyway, apart from all this House criticism, there was an idea in the episode that I liked. Thirteen was talking to a female patient that she felt she could relate to and the girl said "I would rather spend my time with the birds than spend it wishing I could have wings." I may have butchered the quote (all due apologies to House fanatics that have memorized the transcript) but I think the meaning is accessible. I thought it was interesting and maybe one of the best counterarguments for ambition I have heard, mainly because it doesn't imply laziness. I don't know..just something to think about!
Okay well now that I've procrastinated my lecture for quite some time, I am going to get to it so I can watch an episode of House AND read more Lahiri. A funny picture to leave off with..
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Magical Days!
The past two days have been absolutely magical for me. I spent my days in the bookstore, reading Eat Pray Love. I have finished the book and I really loved it! (I even managed to do the Eat part, courtesy of Pizza Rustica). The book is filled with beauty and honesty and inquisitiveness that really strikes me. It's refreshing to see someone write your exact thoughts with clarity and cohesiveness. And even humor--the book had some funny moments that I couldn't help but share with whoever was around. There were a lot of passages that I wished I could memorize and use as tokens of comfort later on. It was just a beautiful, moving account of someone trying to find their way and I think it really touched my heart because I can relate to the author in many ways. I definitely recommend it!

In the spirit of heart touching...I watched The Soloist last night at a screening and man, what a beautiful movie! It reminded me of Reign Over Me (which you can see I thoroughly enjoyed, in a previous post) but it was a more touching version. There was something irresistibly likeable about Robert Downey Jr's character and Jamie Foxx's character was mind-boggling. He really made me work to get past my uncomfortableness regarding homeless people. Underlying the story about true friendship and the beauty inside of someone's heart was the music theme that made the movie seem almost majestic. There were times that I literally closed my eyes to just listen to the music and try to imagine how much that music meant to Jamie Foxx. I thought it was a beautiful depiction of a heartfelt friendship. I haven't read the book but I may have to add it to my to-read bookshelf..
Last night before returning to the apartment, I stopped by the library to pick up a book since I raced through Eat Love Pray. I got Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri. I haven't read any of her work (What?!? You didn't read the namesake?! I know, I know..it's on my to-read bookshelf.) so I'm pretty excited about this. I eventually wanna read Interpreter of Maladies and the Namesake but I thought I'd try with the newest since my library at home would probably have those but not this one. I'm gonna start it as soon as I finish posting =)
Today is a beautiful day and I am so excited for it! I'm hopefully gonna get a bike from Drexel Bikeshare--it's been SO long since I've done that and I know it's gonna be awesome biking around with my new helmet (yayy franklin institute!). I'm going to see a play tonight at the Walnut St Theater. It's called Born Yesterday and I think it'll be funny. I love theater and I don't think I've gone more than like two months without going to a play or musical ever since I've been in Philly. It's always a lot of fun and I really respect the art.
Okay my book is staring at me longingly just waiting to be picked up so I'm gonna go indulge myself =)
In the spirit of heart touching...I watched The Soloist last night at a screening and man, what a beautiful movie! It reminded me of Reign Over Me (which you can see I thoroughly enjoyed, in a previous post) but it was a more touching version. There was something irresistibly likeable about Robert Downey Jr's character and Jamie Foxx's character was mind-boggling. He really made me work to get past my uncomfortableness regarding homeless people. Underlying the story about true friendship and the beauty inside of someone's heart was the music theme that made the movie seem almost majestic. There were times that I literally closed my eyes to just listen to the music and try to imagine how much that music meant to Jamie Foxx. I thought it was a beautiful depiction of a heartfelt friendship. I haven't read the book but I may have to add it to my to-read bookshelf..
Last night before returning to the apartment, I stopped by the library to pick up a book since I raced through Eat Love Pray. I got Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri. I haven't read any of her work (What?!? You didn't read the namesake?! I know, I know..it's on my to-read bookshelf.) so I'm pretty excited about this. I eventually wanna read Interpreter of Maladies and the Namesake but I thought I'd try with the newest since my library at home would probably have those but not this one. I'm gonna start it as soon as I finish posting =)
Today is a beautiful day and I am so excited for it! I'm hopefully gonna get a bike from Drexel Bikeshare--it's been SO long since I've done that and I know it's gonna be awesome biking around with my new helmet (yayy franklin institute!). I'm going to see a play tonight at the Walnut St Theater. It's called Born Yesterday and I think it'll be funny. I love theater and I don't think I've gone more than like two months without going to a play or musical ever since I've been in Philly. It's always a lot of fun and I really respect the art.
Okay my book is staring at me longingly just waiting to be picked up so I'm gonna go indulge myself =)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Something's Right...
I don't know what it is but I realize I'm happy. I'm legitimately HAPPY. I mean I have my downs just as everyone does (Into every life a little rain must fall, right?). But I am able to move past them quickly. I come out of my confrontations and battles with fewer emotional scars. The thing that tipped me off about my recent elation/ cavalierness is the fact that I am able to fall asleep within minutes of placing my head down on the pillow. I have always been one of those 'tossing around for half an hour wondering when my stop will come on sleep's rounds'. But lately I have been able to control my mind and sink into the comfort of my drowsiness. I can't really place my finger on it--I guess a lot of things have been going right in my life at pretty much the same time and it all culminates in a good night's sleep..
Yesterday I was talking to several people about a thought that has been boggling my mind. I am apprehensive about how intricately our lives are intertwined with technology these days. I guess we've been transitioning ever since the Tamagachi became the thing to have but it's amazing how far we've come and how quickly we've done it. Gone are the days where kids would pull out a board game or a puzzle to entertain themselves on a rainy day. Cell phones and computers keep kids connected to their school friends and further from quality family time. It's impossible to get through meals without the musical entertainment of vibrating phones. I remember my childhood filled with scrapes and bruises from playing kickball every afternoon with the neighborhood kids and doing random 'gymnastics' in anticipation. I feel like kids these days are missing out on the simple pleasure of throwing a ball around for hours and laying in the grass while looking up at the clouds. Why go outside and look at the sky when you can just set a picture of clouds as your desktop background? I'm just glad I grew up knowing these hidden treasures the world has to offer and when I am a parent I will be sure to share them with my kids =)
I watched Tale of Despereaux (probably spelled wrong) yesterday. As a sucker for those kid movies, I enjoyed it. I did find it a lot darker than the usual movies in its genre but it's still worth watching.

A movie I definitely liked was Hotel for Dogs. It's a Nickelodeon movie with the girl from Unfabulous and the youngest kid on Wizards. It was a nice story and definitely a must-see for dog lovers! It was such a sweet, cute movie that made my heart smile =)
Finally (it really HAS been a while) on to the subject of books! I found this AWESOME website called Goodreads with essentially allows you to connect with other people who share your passion for reading. You can rate the books you've read and leave reviews and also access other people's books. It's pretty cool and definitely something I will use regularly! I'm going to go back to reading for fun regularly--it's such a great release and while I've sort of managed to do it during college, I want to go back to those lazy afternoons spent curled up with a book (cheese curls do have their place though).

Today I started reading a book entitled "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's AMAZING so far. I've read about a third of the book and I'm really enjoying it and even learning in the process. It's about this woman who leaves her husband when she discovers she does not want to play the traditional wife and mother role. She decides to travel for a year, spending four months each in Italy, India, and Indonesia. She is on a journey to find herself and to connect with God. I think it's such an inspiring book and so beautifully written. There are some remarkable insights that she shares that have really made me think. There's this one part where, when she is feeling down and alone, she writes down the things she needs to hear to pick herself up and then reads it to herself. I think that's a strong point--that you have a friend in yourself and even when nobody else is around, you can always depend on yourself. You are your own best friend and you will never let yourself down. It's a beautiful thing. Some of the spiritual questions she has echo my own and I am excited to learn along with her as I get further in the book.
Well that's all for now. I'm gonna go watch a movie and then sleep so I can have another beautiful day tomorrow =)
Yesterday I was talking to several people about a thought that has been boggling my mind. I am apprehensive about how intricately our lives are intertwined with technology these days. I guess we've been transitioning ever since the Tamagachi became the thing to have but it's amazing how far we've come and how quickly we've done it. Gone are the days where kids would pull out a board game or a puzzle to entertain themselves on a rainy day. Cell phones and computers keep kids connected to their school friends and further from quality family time. It's impossible to get through meals without the musical entertainment of vibrating phones. I remember my childhood filled with scrapes and bruises from playing kickball every afternoon with the neighborhood kids and doing random 'gymnastics' in anticipation. I feel like kids these days are missing out on the simple pleasure of throwing a ball around for hours and laying in the grass while looking up at the clouds. Why go outside and look at the sky when you can just set a picture of clouds as your desktop background? I'm just glad I grew up knowing these hidden treasures the world has to offer and when I am a parent I will be sure to share them with my kids =)
I watched Tale of Despereaux (probably spelled wrong) yesterday. As a sucker for those kid movies, I enjoyed it. I did find it a lot darker than the usual movies in its genre but it's still worth watching.
A movie I definitely liked was Hotel for Dogs. It's a Nickelodeon movie with the girl from Unfabulous and the youngest kid on Wizards. It was a nice story and definitely a must-see for dog lovers! It was such a sweet, cute movie that made my heart smile =)
Finally (it really HAS been a while) on to the subject of books! I found this AWESOME website called Goodreads with essentially allows you to connect with other people who share your passion for reading. You can rate the books you've read and leave reviews and also access other people's books. It's pretty cool and definitely something I will use regularly! I'm going to go back to reading for fun regularly--it's such a great release and while I've sort of managed to do it during college, I want to go back to those lazy afternoons spent curled up with a book (cheese curls do have their place though).
Today I started reading a book entitled "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's AMAZING so far. I've read about a third of the book and I'm really enjoying it and even learning in the process. It's about this woman who leaves her husband when she discovers she does not want to play the traditional wife and mother role. She decides to travel for a year, spending four months each in Italy, India, and Indonesia. She is on a journey to find herself and to connect with God. I think it's such an inspiring book and so beautifully written. There are some remarkable insights that she shares that have really made me think. There's this one part where, when she is feeling down and alone, she writes down the things she needs to hear to pick herself up and then reads it to herself. I think that's a strong point--that you have a friend in yourself and even when nobody else is around, you can always depend on yourself. You are your own best friend and you will never let yourself down. It's a beautiful thing. Some of the spiritual questions she has echo my own and I am excited to learn along with her as I get further in the book.
Well that's all for now. I'm gonna go watch a movie and then sleep so I can have another beautiful day tomorrow =)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Well Balanced Days
I've had a great week so far! I have done a lot of work during the day and I've had some fun times in the evenings. It's pretty much the ideal life for me haha!

Two nights ago, I went to the Seventeen Again screening. In my previous post I made a statement that sort of belittled Zac Efron's attractiveness...pretend that never happened. Zac Efron looks REALLY good! I don't think he has any acting talent really but I guess with a face that hot it doesn't matter? Seventeen Again was surprisingly a pretty good movie. It was really funny--actual laugh out loud moments included with movie ticket! Neither of the actors (Matthew Perry, Zac Efron) were good but Thomas Lennon was hilarious. (He's the guy from Reno 911 and he's the gay guy that hits on Paul Rudd in I Love You, Man.)
Yesterday was the Target Community Night at the Franklin Institute. Every third Wednesday of the month Target sponsors a free night at the Franklin. I can't believe I only found out about this now after FOUR years of being here! Ah well I'll just have to make sure I go in May too. They had this brain injury awareness group there and they were giving out free helmets! It was so awesome. And I saw an IMAX about caves which was really cool! I think it's amazing how much unexplored territory there is. I do think space exploration is fascinating but sometimes I feel like we overlook our own planet. There's just soo much to explore everywhere! Haha okay I'm done...I should be the next Miss Frizzle!
Okay my lunch is getting cold and my scrubs episode is buffering so I will have to post more later =)
Two nights ago, I went to the Seventeen Again screening. In my previous post I made a statement that sort of belittled Zac Efron's attractiveness...pretend that never happened. Zac Efron looks REALLY good! I don't think he has any acting talent really but I guess with a face that hot it doesn't matter? Seventeen Again was surprisingly a pretty good movie. It was really funny--actual laugh out loud moments included with movie ticket! Neither of the actors (Matthew Perry, Zac Efron) were good but Thomas Lennon was hilarious. (He's the guy from Reno 911 and he's the gay guy that hits on Paul Rudd in I Love You, Man.)
Yesterday was the Target Community Night at the Franklin Institute. Every third Wednesday of the month Target sponsors a free night at the Franklin. I can't believe I only found out about this now after FOUR years of being here! Ah well I'll just have to make sure I go in May too. They had this brain injury awareness group there and they were giving out free helmets! It was so awesome. And I saw an IMAX about caves which was really cool! I think it's amazing how much unexplored territory there is. I do think space exploration is fascinating but sometimes I feel like we overlook our own planet. There's just soo much to explore everywhere! Haha okay I'm done...I should be the next Miss Frizzle!
Okay my lunch is getting cold and my scrubs episode is buffering so I will have to post more later =)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
You can make your own sunshine!
I haven't posted in about 2 days because I've been busy catching up with work. Yesterday and this morning I woke up early to go to the gym and then started studying for pretty much the whole day until dinner. At night, I watched a movie before bed so I'll comment on those.

I watched Yes Man and it was like meeting the prettier cousin of Liar Liar. Yes Man was more entertaining and less dependent on Jim Carrey's facial expressions /grunts to produce laughs. But there were enough of those 'funny' moments to make you absolutely certain the two are related. But still I liked it and it's worth watching!

The second movie I watched was Bedtime Stories. It was a nice movie despite Adam Sandler. I am not really a big fan of Adam Sandler but I do like the movies where he keeps his annoyingness down. The critics didn't really like Bedtime Stories but I think they were looking for the wrong things. This isn't a movie with a lot of deeper, underlying meaning or with comedic brilliance. But it wasn't supposed to be. It's a movie for kids to laugh at and enjoy. It excels at that (I consulted my forever young heart for this one) and I really liked it =)
Today I'm going to a screening of Seventeen Again and what I'm even more excited about is the Maoz I am going to have before the screening (Sorry Zac Efron, Maoz is just that good). With that I should probably get to work because I have a lot on my agenda and I have to finish before the screening..
I watched Yes Man and it was like meeting the prettier cousin of Liar Liar. Yes Man was more entertaining and less dependent on Jim Carrey's facial expressions /grunts to produce laughs. But there were enough of those 'funny' moments to make you absolutely certain the two are related. But still I liked it and it's worth watching!
The second movie I watched was Bedtime Stories. It was a nice movie despite Adam Sandler. I am not really a big fan of Adam Sandler but I do like the movies where he keeps his annoyingness down. The critics didn't really like Bedtime Stories but I think they were looking for the wrong things. This isn't a movie with a lot of deeper, underlying meaning or with comedic brilliance. But it wasn't supposed to be. It's a movie for kids to laugh at and enjoy. It excels at that (I consulted my forever young heart for this one) and I really liked it =)
Today I'm going to a screening of Seventeen Again and what I'm even more excited about is the Maoz I am going to have before the screening (Sorry Zac Efron, Maoz is just that good). With that I should probably get to work because I have a lot on my agenda and I have to finish before the screening..
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Get down girl go 'head get down
Today was another lazy Saturday. It was raining most of the day and I guess that's what put me in such a lethargic mood. I pretty much spent the entire day sitting on my bed staring at my laptop screen. I did a few lectures but I definitely have a long way to go before next Monday's exam.
Deciding where I'm going to medical school has really affected my motivation for the worse. I'm becoming so lax and I just don't have the drive I used to. It's weird because I can't remember ever being like this before. Even last year, before graduating, I was still doing work pretty diligently. I guess it's because I know with medical school ahead of me, I won't be able to really relax for a long time. I don't like being lazy and I can't stand falling behind. I know I will be working hard next year and in a weird way, I'm actually looking forward to it. It's satisfying to know that my efforts will be consequential.
Today I spontaneously dyed my hair (well my mom did). It's not a drastic change or anything. I was just mentioning to my mom how convenient it is that I part my hair to the side because I have some grays that are all in the same area. I guess I have nourishment issues in that area. But either way, it gets covered because of the way I happen to part my hair. Next thing I know, I'm in the shower with dark brown water (ewww!). It doesn't look different or anything but I guess I'll know for sure when I'm outside tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning is my cousin's baby shower. It'll probably be boring but the one good thing is that I get to dress up..it's been a while since I've worn Indian clothes so it should be fun =)
I'm going back to Philly after the baby shower and then I will definitely have to spend some time at the library to finish up the work I've neglected for so long. Finally, in honor of the song that is stuck in my head:
Deciding where I'm going to medical school has really affected my motivation for the worse. I'm becoming so lax and I just don't have the drive I used to. It's weird because I can't remember ever being like this before. Even last year, before graduating, I was still doing work pretty diligently. I guess it's because I know with medical school ahead of me, I won't be able to really relax for a long time. I don't like being lazy and I can't stand falling behind. I know I will be working hard next year and in a weird way, I'm actually looking forward to it. It's satisfying to know that my efforts will be consequential.
Today I spontaneously dyed my hair (well my mom did). It's not a drastic change or anything. I was just mentioning to my mom how convenient it is that I part my hair to the side because I have some grays that are all in the same area. I guess I have nourishment issues in that area. But either way, it gets covered because of the way I happen to part my hair. Next thing I know, I'm in the shower with dark brown water (ewww!). It doesn't look different or anything but I guess I'll know for sure when I'm outside tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning is my cousin's baby shower. It'll probably be boring but the one good thing is that I get to dress up..it's been a while since I've worn Indian clothes so it should be fun =)
I'm going back to Philly after the baby shower and then I will definitely have to spend some time at the library to finish up the work I've neglected for so long. Finally, in honor of the song that is stuck in my head:
Friday, April 10, 2009
What's cuter than a Maltese puppy!
I'm back at home for the weekend now! My sister's visit to Philly is officially over. It was a fun week with practically no studying. I will have to compensate this upcoming week but it's okay...it was all worth it! We went to the Liberty Bell and US Mint and Congress Hall on Wednesday. Then we strolled down South Street and went into a few quirky shops. We ended the day with a visit to Barnes and Noble and then dinner at Pietro's (best pizza in Philly in my opinion!). Then on Thursday we went to the park and tossed around a football for hours--I can't think of anything that would make me happier on a beautiful spring afternoon. Then we went to Pattaya Grill for dinner and laser tag in the quad afterwards! This morning, we went to Marathon Grill/Qdoba for brunch and then came home. All in all, a relaxing week in Philly!
This weekend I'm just planning on doing a lot of work and then going to my aunt's baby shower on Sunday morning. Then back to Philly!
So late last week President Papadakis (Drexel), passed away. It's so weird and sad at the same time. He has done a lot for the school and I think the saddest thing is how students as little as 2 years from now won't recognize his contributions. This pertains to society in general--it's crazy how short-lived people's lives really are. I guess we just have to touch the lives of the people around us and that's what a real legacy is.
I watched Marley & Me with my sister a few days ago. It was a pretty good movie! Not because of the acting or anything like that but the story itself was funny/touching. I have always wanted to have a dog--a Maltese puppy to be exact. They are perfect for me...small and friendly and playful! I really want to get one and so this movie was perfect for a dog-lover like me!
Okay enough procrastinating! I'm gonna start doing some work now...let's see if I remember how to study. It HAS been 3 weeks since I've memorized anything ;)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
It's been a while!
I haven't posted in a few days now...crazy! I've been busy with my sister visiting. It's not even like we're doing a lot of running around but I guess always having company takes its toll on blogging. My lower back pain (which left gracefully after a good yoga workout sometime last week) has returned again. I am really hoping this isn't something that lingers for the rest of my life otherwise I can see myself actually picking up a scalpel and trying to cut the nerve that is causing all of this. It's really a burden in daily activities and I have a newfound sense of sympathy for back pain sufferers. This is my first time experiencing back pain and I never knew it could be so bad!
In other news, Kal Penn working at the White House is interesting. I think it's cool that he's actually doing something substantial about the things he supports. He says he's really into politics and he was even studying something related at Stanford so I guess he's legit. I just wonder if he's qualified. Either way, good for him!
I haven't watched a single episode of House this season and I'm really looking forward to catching up! It's gonna be a great summer...I'm gonna watch this past season of House and the seasons of 24 that I have missed.
Speaking of missing--I think one thing I am missing is knowledge about art. I haven't ever gotten the chance to take an art history type class and I think that's a major regret. I have always wanted to be a doctor so most of my classes were geared towards that. While I would've always been interested in taking those liberal arts classes, there just wasn't enough time. It's okay though because later in life when I get to where I have to be, I will make the time to get where I want to be =)
Oh and that last paragraph reminds me of my new policy. I'm an optimist at heart. I usually go into things with a positive outlook and with a lot of hope. I don't like to think negatively and pessimistically so I've come up with something to stop myself when I get into one of those spells. Any time I think something negative, I follow it up with "It's okay because...". I know it sounds like one of those lame "give a put-up after a put-down" type of strategy (okay so you've never heard of that strategy...I knew those 2 weeks of Girl Scouts would scar me for life!) But seriously, that strategy has really helped me get away from the negativity I don't like.
Alright..time to watch Arthur and then get to bed! Btw I have watched a lot of movies that I need to comment on some time soon!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Good day
I've had a pretty good day today! My lower back pain is improving..I just did a yoga workout and that really helped. My room still reeks of Bengay but whatever...I think my nose has adjusted to it now! I finished the 3D carousel puzzle I started 2 days ago so thats pretty exciting. And there's a way to put all the pieces together to make the traditional rectangle so I did that too. Even though it's for 7 years and up, it was definitely a challenge. I warmed up by doing a Beauty and the Beast puzzle from back in the day haha! I love puzzles and if they weren't so expensive I'd buy a new one right now.
So last night before going to bed I watched The Other Boleyn Girl. I can understand why it got the bad reviews it did but the movie was pretty good overall. Natalie Portman's acting was pretty good but I think that may be because her character was beautifully complex. But overall, pretty good movie. Trying to figure out something to watch tonight hmmm....
Well I think I should probably get at least a lecture in before dinner tonight so I can watch guiltlessly! Hopefully my back will improve and the Washington DC plans for Saturday will work out for me. I am going to try really hard to convince my family to go anyway even if I can't make it. They're usually resistant about things like that but I don't want them to not go. Saturday is the cherry blossom festival so the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Let's see what happens. Okay time for Neuro. Later days (Weekenders) =D
So last night before going to bed I watched The Other Boleyn Girl. I can understand why it got the bad reviews it did but the movie was pretty good overall. Natalie Portman's acting was pretty good but I think that may be because her character was beautifully complex. But overall, pretty good movie. Trying to figure out something to watch tonight hmmm....
Well I think I should probably get at least a lecture in before dinner tonight so I can watch guiltlessly! Hopefully my back will improve and the Washington DC plans for Saturday will work out for me. I am going to try really hard to convince my family to go anyway even if I can't make it. They're usually resistant about things like that but I don't want them to not go. Saturday is the cherry blossom festival so the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Let's see what happens. Okay time for Neuro. Later days (Weekenders) =D
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Soo apparently I pulled something in my lower back. Luckily it only hurts when I lean forward or backward so as long as I'm sitting up straight I'm fine. I can walk just finei too so it's not too bad. But sometimes I forget that I have pain and I'll reach for something. Ouch!
Last night I was on the phone with one of my friends for 2 hours. It was probably the longest phone conversation I've had in a while and it was long overdue. It's nice to take a break and catch up with close friends =). I fully buffered the other boleyn girl thinking I would watch but the conversation flowed freely and it was late when I finished soo I went to sleep right away. Oh well! I can watch the movie anytime! Maybe even tonight..
I was talking to my mom this morning on the phone and the conversation drifted to marriage (she likes talking about marriage as much as rachel ray likes frozen chopped spinach -_-). She asked me to tell her the characteristics I'd want in a guy and then she was telling me that the things I want are very idealistic. That's just great! What I realized was that she has a very different perception of men than I do. I can understand what she is saying, especially when I consider it in the context of her upbringing. But sometimes she fails to realize that even though people are pretty much the same everywhere, there are definitely some gems among the mix. (ha gems..what a Disney princess word to use) And the things I would be looking for are things I have seen in people before. I am not basing anything off of my idea of prince charming. My ideas are formulated from people I have interacted with and the things I liked or didn't like about them. I bring all this up not as a way to post a personal...but rather to point out the generation gap. Sometimes I feel like our parents don't credit us for the thoughts we have and the experiences we have. Obviously they have more experience and maturity beyond our capacity but that doesn't mean we don't have any. I think parents should respect our thoughts and realize that we may have some understanding that they may lack. It's not a matter of being right or wrong or being better off or worse off...it's about every person having a different set of experiences that brings them to where they are today. Parents can overlook our individuality because they feel that they know better. And even if that is true (which is probably is most of the time) we still need to live our own lives and learn our own lessons. I hope when I'm a parent I am able to grant my children the creative freedom and the respect they deserve for being individuals.
Ahh I've gone on for so long! My bath is ready. I figured taking a bath in the jacuzzi would help with the back pain. And even if it doesn't...=)
More later!
Last night I was on the phone with one of my friends for 2 hours. It was probably the longest phone conversation I've had in a while and it was long overdue. It's nice to take a break and catch up with close friends =). I fully buffered the other boleyn girl thinking I would watch but the conversation flowed freely and it was late when I finished soo I went to sleep right away. Oh well! I can watch the movie anytime! Maybe even tonight..
I was talking to my mom this morning on the phone and the conversation drifted to marriage (she likes talking about marriage as much as rachel ray likes frozen chopped spinach -_-). She asked me to tell her the characteristics I'd want in a guy and then she was telling me that the things I want are very idealistic. That's just great! What I realized was that she has a very different perception of men than I do. I can understand what she is saying, especially when I consider it in the context of her upbringing. But sometimes she fails to realize that even though people are pretty much the same everywhere, there are definitely some gems among the mix. (ha gems..what a Disney princess word to use) And the things I would be looking for are things I have seen in people before. I am not basing anything off of my idea of prince charming. My ideas are formulated from people I have interacted with and the things I liked or didn't like about them. I bring all this up not as a way to post a personal...but rather to point out the generation gap. Sometimes I feel like our parents don't credit us for the thoughts we have and the experiences we have. Obviously they have more experience and maturity beyond our capacity but that doesn't mean we don't have any. I think parents should respect our thoughts and realize that we may have some understanding that they may lack. It's not a matter of being right or wrong or being better off or worse off...it's about every person having a different set of experiences that brings them to where they are today. Parents can overlook our individuality because they feel that they know better. And even if that is true (which is probably is most of the time) we still need to live our own lives and learn our own lessons. I hope when I'm a parent I am able to grant my children the creative freedom and the respect they deserve for being individuals.
Ahh I've gone on for so long! My bath is ready. I figured taking a bath in the jacuzzi would help with the back pain. And even if it doesn't...=)
More later!
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