Last night I had the chance to hang out with some of my friends from undergrad that I haven't seen in a was a really great time. We went to Maoz for falafel and then to Phileo for frozen yogurt (I had cheesecake flavored yogurt with graham cracker crumbles and strawberries on top). Then we went to a screening of Ghosts of Girlfriend's Past. I was thrilled to see that Matthew McConaughey had hair that was tolerable; to the dismay of my friends, I must've commented on it at least a dozen times!) There was a shirtless scene (of course!) but there wasn't any rugged sports-type scene (surprised!). The movie was okay--there were a few laughs here and there (mostly from Michael Douglas's lines) but the story was just alright. It's entertaining enough but definitely not worth going to the theaters for.
I have been keeping up with my work pretty's not that hard with only one class but still haha! I am planning on spending my days very productively and very balanced. I don't think I have enough work to do to last all day anyway and now that the weather is blossoming I really want to take advantage of the last month in Philly. I want to go places and do the things I've always thought about but never got around to and even the things I've done so many times already but could always do 'just one last time'. It's weird to know that I'll be leaving this place where I spent four significant years. Philly has brought me lots of laughs and tears and everything else corny you can add to such a sentence. No but seriously, I have learned a lot here and I have definitely changed since I got here. This place will always have that special connection to my life and it's weird thinking I won't be roaming these streets again for a while. I guess I just want to take this last month and explore every aspect of Philly, just to take it all in before leaving.
I really believe a city has a personality and while I probably can't describe the vibe Philly gives off the way some tourist book would, I can definitely characterize what it says to me. Philly is a place of change and opportunity for me. I have had many opportunities that I fully recognize wouldn't have been possible anywhere else. I have learned a lot and changed in the process. I know a lot of people wouldn't consider Philly a city when comparing it to the likes of NYC, LA, and Miami but for me, it has represented a way of life I didn't know coming out of the suburbs. It was city enough for me!
Okay enough nostalgia about a place I am still in. It's a beautiful day out and I think I'm going to take a walk down to the gym..Enjoy!
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