I haven't posted in a few days now...crazy! I've been busy with my sister visiting. It's not even like we're doing a lot of running around but I guess always having company takes its toll on blogging. My lower back pain (which left gracefully after a good yoga workout sometime last week) has returned again. I am really hoping this isn't something that lingers for the rest of my life otherwise I can see myself actually picking up a scalpel and trying to cut the nerve that is causing all of this. It's really a burden in daily activities and I have a newfound sense of sympathy for back pain sufferers. This is my first time experiencing back pain and I never knew it could be so bad!
In other news, Kal Penn working at the White House is interesting. I think it's cool that he's actually doing something substantial about the things he supports. He says he's really into politics and he was even studying something related at Stanford so I guess he's legit. I just wonder if he's qualified. Either way, good for him!
I haven't watched a single episode of House this season and I'm really looking forward to catching up! It's gonna be a great summer...I'm gonna watch this past season of House and the seasons of 24 that I have missed.
Speaking of missing--I think one thing I am missing is knowledge about art. I haven't ever gotten the chance to take an art history type class and I think that's a major regret. I have always wanted to be a doctor so most of my classes were geared towards that. While I would've always been interested in taking those liberal arts classes, there just wasn't enough time. It's okay though because later in life when I get to where I have to be, I will make the time to get where I want to be =)
Oh and that last paragraph reminds me of my new policy. I'm an optimist at heart. I usually go into things with a positive outlook and with a lot of hope. I don't like to think negatively and pessimistically so I've come up with something to stop myself when I get into one of those spells. Any time I think something negative, I follow it up with "It's okay because...". I know it sounds like one of those lame "give a put-up after a put-down" type of strategy (okay so you've never heard of that strategy...I knew those 2 weeks of Girl Scouts would scar me for life!) But seriously, that strategy has really helped me get away from the negativity I don't like.
Alright..time to watch Arthur and then get to bed! Btw I have watched a lot of movies that I need to comment on some time soon!
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