Deciding where I'm going to medical school has really affected my motivation for the worse. I'm becoming so lax and I just don't have the drive I used to. It's weird because I can't remember ever being like this before. Even last year, before graduating, I was still doing work pretty diligently. I guess it's because I know with medical school ahead of me, I won't be able to really relax for a long time. I don't like being lazy and I can't stand falling behind. I know I will be working hard next year and in a weird way, I'm actually looking forward to it. It's satisfying to know that my efforts will be consequential.
Today I spontaneously dyed my hair (well my mom did). It's not a drastic change or anything. I was just mentioning to my mom how convenient it is that I part my hair to the side because I have some grays that are all in the same area. I guess I have nourishment issues in that area. But either way, it gets covered because of the way I happen to part my hair. Next thing I know, I'm in the shower with dark brown water (ewww!). It doesn't look different or anything but I guess I'll know for sure when I'm outside tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning is my cousin's baby shower. It'll probably be boring but the one good thing is that I get to dress's been a while since I've worn Indian clothes so it should be fun =)
I'm going back to Philly after the baby shower and then I will definitely have to spend some time at the library to finish up the work I've neglected for so long. Finally, in honor of the song that is stuck in my head:
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