It's a beautiful day outside today! It's nice and sunny. The wind's a bit cold but overall the weather is nice. I went for a run today to soak in some of the nice weather. It was nice to be outside and breathing in the fresh air. This morning, I woke up and did pooja and then I wrote a short story. I have posted it on the Paraspar Devo Bhava blog so you can check it out there if you'd like =)
It sucks because with the start of this week, for me it's like the countdown to going back to Philly begins. I am past the halfway mark of my spring break and so now I have to start getting back into the studying frame of mind again. The first week back should be pretty good since that's when my sister is coming to visit!
I just finished watching a movie called Ghost Town. I really liked it a lot. The movie was about a man who can see ghosts and one of the ghosts bothers this man about some unfinished business he needs help with. The story is one of connecting with others and appreciating the people in your life. It reminded me of About a Boy in a lot of ways (minus Hugh Grant's stammering apology..what a cutie!). I don't think anyone can truly exist as an island. People are naturally interconnected and appreciating and valuing these connections is something people should learn to do. From personal experience I have learned that people who are incapable of forging emotional connections hurt the people around them...the people that really care about them. An interesting point in the movie was when Ricky Gervais' character said something about how ghosts have unfinished business not because they themselves feel incomplete or 'unfinished', rather because their loved ones that survived them feel incomplete. Ricky Gervais tells a widow to let go of her husband because until she does that, neither she or her husband will be at peace. It's an interesting concept--that the ones who are still living are the ones that are keeping business 'unfinished'. I don't know if I fully believe in ghosts but I do believe that the soul leaves the body and remains 'alive'. I guess even if you don't believe in ghosts, you still have to live on after the death of a loved one. You have to get closure and let go to the point that the memories don't stifle you. Anyway, I could probably go on a while but overall, the movie was a good one. I really liked it because it was funny and well-acted and definitely emotionally engaging!
Enough for's bedtime for me =)