Oh and the first thing the tow truck guy says to me...."Are you a fan of Michael Jackson? He just died." Uhhh, WHAT?! I think I may have been more shocked to hear that than I was when I heard the sound of the car smashing into mine. It's kinda weird to think that he's dead. Like, I'm no huge fan or anything but who doesn't like him, you know! And regardless of any individual opinion, he is definitely an icon, a legend. It is weird when people that represent a certain time or era pass away.
Ah so that was Thursday. And then Friday, my sister had an allergy attack because she may have eaten something with peanuts (the allergy, allegedly). She was having difficulty breathing and so we ended up at the emergency room for a few hours. It wasn't anything too serious but it definitely scared all of us! She is fine now, just exhausted and resting up.
My guru has arrived and I have been going to morning and evening prayers everyday. It makes my day longer and a little more tiring, but it's definitely the most welcome part of my summer. The big program for our religious group is on July 4th, which is next Saturday. So there's a lot to do in the upcoming week!
Yesterday we had a palkhi, which is a parade of sorts. A palkhi is a platform on which an idol is placed. There are a few wooden stick type things jutting out that are carried on the shoulders of a group of men. (See picture above) We had a bunch of people playing the drums and we were all singing and dancing down the street. It was a lot of fun. I love when we have those because it makes me feel like I'm in India. There is colored powder being thrown and bells jingling and people clapping and dancing and singing. The only clue that we're not in India are the onlookers from the neighboring streets that want to see the festivity. It was a really great time!
Oh and one thing I've neglected to mention..I read Better by Atul Gawande. I really liked this book and recommend it to anyone who wants to be a doctor, or really, just anyone (but especially if you wanna be a doctor!). It addressed performance in a field where lives are on the line and every decision carries a considerable weight. The topics discussed are very interesting and well put together. Every chapter has a sort of general setting in which medicine is practiced and a different aspect of performance analysis is brought to light in each. It was thought-provoking but nothing too scientific, making it accessible for all audiences. I just really enjoyed reading it and I'm hoping to read his other book, Complications, sometime soon!
Now I have to get started on the dance for next Saturday..
I'm sorry to hear about the car crash. I really hope that, given how full your life is already, it doesn't become too much of a burden on you. And I really wish I could have seen the Palkhi. From the sound of it, it was quite the festival =). And you have just convinced me to read Better haha (because I wanna be a doctor!!) =)