So since I finished the Feynman book in the morning yesterday, I started The Illustrated A Brief History of Time & The Universe in a Nutshell last night. I am LOVING it. I read the first two chapters, so roughly 50 pages last night. Not much that I've read so far is news to me but every time I consider all of these ideas about space-time and the expanding universe, I get really excited. A part of me really wishes I was a physics major. I LOVE theoretical physics! I am planning on finishing this book quickly haha (Feynman only took a couple of days so hopefully this will too, it's much shorter!). I am tempted to take notes as I read; I guess you can't get the student out of me! (Good thing too, considering I am going to med school).
Today's plans are more of the usual..TV, reading, eating, playing tennis, helping out with dinner, and some more reading haha! Oh and can't forget the daily crossword! So tomorrow is my sister's prom and I am in charge of getting her ready! I'm going to curl her hair and do her makeup. I'm really excited for it! I've even figured out what purse and jewelry she should wear. Reminds me of when I went to prom..doesn't seem like it was so long ago. Man, I am getting old!
I am really enjoying this week off. I am ridiculously glad that I wasn't able to start work yet. I really needed this down time after all the studying I did and things just worked out well. I honestly don't even care about's just a source of money. That's how I'm seeing it. I don't even know what I'll be doing yet but whatever...just want to save up some money, that's all!
Okay my stomach is grumbling and I need to get some food in me. More later =)
I bet your sister looks really nice, since you were the one who got her ready. I want to read this stephen hawking book, it looks like it could be a doozy! And ofcourse, you would know everything he talks about already =). My stomach seems to be rumbling too, so time to eat some foods!