I have this comfortable ache in all of my appendages and my lower back..and a blister on my hand. I also managed to finish cleaning my room, yayy! Oh and what's sad is that I'm getting so close to the end of the Feynman book. I am really not happy about almost being done with it..it's been an excellent companion for the last few moments of my day, just before I drift off.
The most exciting things that came from me unpacking my stuff is: 1.) Speakers! (my laptop speakers haven't worked since...a while..but now I've set up my speakers!), 2.) My husband pillow thing that makes reading SO much better, 3.) King Julian masks that I promptly turned over to my brother and sister (my delivery was excellent, complete with the fake accent and dancing), 4.) Boo Bear! (self-explanatory), 5.) Turtle! (not so self-explanatory...it's a stuffed animal duck)
So today my plans are to relax! I haven't really gotten much relaxing in since I've been home but that'll change today. I plan on watching reruns of all those corny shows--Full House, Sister Sister, Saved by the Bell, and of course Arthur! And then I'm going to see either Angels and Demons or Up with my brother and sister after they get home from school. I am super excited about this! The movie we watch depends on what time they can get home. And after that, I'll either do some more gardening or I'll go play tennis..we'll see which way the wind blows me.
Oh so let me update you on my outdoor projects since a lot of my time is devoted to them: We have nearly an acre of land and well mowing that is definitely a task. So I've decided to help my dad out with the mowing since I'll be home all summer (and since my brother is especially lazy about that). Also, we are growing eggplant, cucumbers, okra, peas, tomatoes, and peppers in the backyard. So I am in charge of watering the plants twice a day. So my backyard is sort of shaped like half a baseball diamond (a triangle, in simpler terms)...the far end is home plate and it gets wider as it approaches the house (which is the pitcher's mound). Along the stretch from third base to home plate we want to plant a row of trees. Mind you this is not to scale so really we are planting a LOT of trees. Also, it slopes upward a little bit as it approaches the back point so it's a little harder than it sounds. We planted like 8 trees or so yesterday and my parents had already planted 2-3 before I came home. We're making some progress! Another task we have is to lay out weed-blocker (the black sheets) in our front landscaping and then cover that with stones. The stones are kind of pretty so it looks nice. We have a huge pile of stones sitting on the driveway and with every wheelbarrow-full of stones that is transported to the front of the house, I see a little shimmer of hope that we're almost done. We did finish about half of the weedblocking/stone transport so now we should be done within a week or two maximum. Okay I think that's it haha!
Alright time to get a work out in before my day turns into a tv/movie marathon. Yay so excited! =D
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