I have never really known what it is like to have extended family. Don't mistake what I mean...I have a HUGE family (I am Indian, after all!) but until yesterday, my mom's entire family was in India. My dad's family isn't the really close-knit type so even though I see them every month or at least every few months, it doesn't quite have the same feel as...My Big Fat Greek Wedding. But I have no doubts that this has all changed.
I always found it interesting that there is any closeness at all between me and my siblings (in one category) and my cousins. The first time we met them was in 2005, when we went for a family wedding and my brother's janoi (sacred thread ceremony for brahmins). It amazed me how the SECOND we stepped foot into the airport, they were filled with awe and respect and adoration for us. I really don't know why. They had never met us..they had only ever talked on the phone and even that, it was just small talk. Yet, somehow, they loved us before they even knew us. You could see in their eyes how curious and amazed they were by us, by our lifestyle, but most of all, by our relation to them. They had older cousins that held a special position in their lives. A position that I never even knew about! And what surprised me even more was that I felt all of those things as well! I had been filling that position more than adequately all of my life, and I never even knew it!
The bond between family members is something that science has tried to decipher and unsurprisingly, was unable to. There's something special about kin that is beyond the particles that compose us. There is a special connection that transcends anything that can be measured, or even observed. I don't understand it, but I do not doubt that it's there.
I know things will be tough with so many people living in a single house. Egos are bound to clash and there are going to be some compromises for everyone. But I think ultimately, the fact that we are family will keep us together. I am going to try to be extremely patient with everyone and I will try my best to help them adapt. I know this is my lesson in patience and trust me, I am going to take very good notes!
Okay so enough of my thoughts...I don't really have much else to write about. I have been going to work and playing tennis and helping with dance/drama practices. That's about it. I am happy and I guess that's the whole point isn't it?
I'm really glad that you will be spending time with your extended family and getting to know them better. I have been through the whole "seeing family for the first time and they act like I'm their own son" deal and its really heartwarming and makes me want to know all about them and just gives me a pleasant disposition in general haha. And yeah it'll be hard running the house with the sheer amount of people there but I get the feeling everything will work out =)