Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thoughts of a Working Girl

Oh man so it's been a really busy couple of days..I started work on Monday!! I work in a molecular oncopathology lab which basically means we test patients' urine samples and heme and look at other tissues for any abnormalities, aka cancer. So far I've been training to sort of learn everything that is done in the lab, basically so I can do anyone's (more like everyone's) work. I learned how to run the urine samples for FISH and I learned how to type up diagnostic reports for patients whose results have already come in. It's kinda interesting in the abstract but actually doing it = repetitiveness. The good thing is I have a couple of coworkers and they are pretty entertaining. So the days don't seem interminable. I just wish I wasn't the inferior haha..

Also, I've gone to play tennis yesterday evening after work and just before I sat down to finally post. My game is really improving and I'm SO happy with my progress! It's really frustrating not being good at something I'm "supposed" to be good at so it's refreshing to have my talent back again, even if only partially (and even if it took 4 years -_-).

In other news, I've been reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it is definitely amusing. There's a lot of humor in the way it's written and so that always gives me something to smile about! I'm about 8 chapters in and I have about half an hour to read everyday so it shouldn't be long before I'm done reading it =)

Okay serious realization: I have been coming home grouchy/grumpy (Think Oscar the Grouch^Grumpy the dwarf..that's right, raise it to that power!)..I give a lot of credit to people who can drive an hour to work, sit around at work for 8 hours and then drive an hour back and still be cheerful. I'm thinking it's because it's all new to me, this routine business..but once I get used to it, hopefully I'll be less drained by the end of the day. All I know is I fall asleep willingly at 10:30 every night. It's a beautiful(?) thing.

Alright, I'm pooped. I'm gonna watch a Colbert episode and then get some sleep. More later (tomorrow hopefully!)

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to read hitchhikers guide, but I haven't gotten the chance yet! I shall have to put it on my list of things to do. I also admire people who seem to have limitless energy and enthusiasm. The people who can go to work and come back and be happy and do more work at home until bedtime and then do it all over again and again. That is love if anything is.
