In other always I went on Colbert Nation this morning and clicked on the tickets tab. I know it's kinda impossible to get tickets, but I still have hope. THERE WERE TICKETS AVAILABLE TODAY! For two different days!!! Except those days are during the first week of medical school!! I was so disappointed! I was SO close to being able to see the taping of the colbert report! I guess the good news is that I was able to get one of my close friends to get on the site before they were taken and he got the tickets! So at least I get to go vicariously =D
Speaking of Colbert, I LOVED the episodes in Iraq! I thought the haircut was a nice touch and it really showed his support for the troops. It's so great that he went there to entertain them and make them laugh. They need it and deserve it! I love that he was able to show his feelings on the war and yet still support the troops wholeheartedly. Man, what an awesome guy! And when he showed that picture of himself wrapped in the American flag...mmmmm ;)
There is A LOT going on in life right now. That's mainly the reason I haven't been able to post as consistently as I keep promising to! Remember the family from India that I was talking about? Well, they're coming on Wednesday!!! That leaves 3 days to cram in whatever other preparations there are left to do! We spent the day cleaning out the basement and the garage today. It was a LONG task but it definitely feels good to be done with it! Tomorrow's project: the attic (eek!).
Yesterday I had to drive down to Rutgers Camden with my sister to take her there for her placement exams. It took up most of the day, especially cuz we hit traffic on the way back. I parked in this lot but I didn't know if it was allowed without a permit. And I didn't want to get my car towed (at my expense of course) so I decided to sit in the car for the 3 hours. Um yeah, okay so much for that! I had to go to the bathroom an hour in and I gave up and just left the car. Luckily, parking was allowed during weekends without a permit and the day didn't turn into an entry on FML =)
Work has been going pretty well. There's not too much to do so it's not all that hectic. But there is something to do everyday since it's a hospital-affiliated practice. It gets boring sometimes, but that's why I bring a book! One of the people I work with is very amusing too. She can talk A LOT about nearly any topic so whenever I'm bored, I just say a word to get her started. It works out really nicely!
I am also busy preparing for Dada's visit this year. (For those who don't know, I have a Guru who lives in India and comes to visit every summer for about 3 weeks. He will be arriving at the end of June and leaving in July.) I am doing a dance with my sister as well as helping out the aunties with their dance. Also, there's a bunch of one-act plays that I am helping narrate. It's fun with all these people coming over for practice. This busy schedule of practices has defined my summers for as long as I can remember and it's so comforting to be home for it all again. It's always a great time and definitely filled with lots of laughs! We are completely done with the aunty dance so that's exciting. Next up: the little girls' dance! Following that: me and my sister! It's gonna be a busy month =D
Well I think that just about sums it up..OH I started a new book. What They Didn't Teach You About the 60s. It's interesting and I'm not far enough into it to write any more haha!
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