Today was my sister's high school graduation! I was a little late because I went there straight from work so I missed some of the beginning stuff (guess I lucked out hehe) but I made it in time for all the important stuff. Yup that's right, I heard them announce all four hundred and some graduates, of which I knew...three. Either way it was interesting because I actually missed my high school graduation. We left for India the day after my prom so I wasn't here for graduation. I guess that made this a little more special for me, because since it's the same school and a lot of the same teachers, I felt like I was graduating! I saw a bunch of teachers I've been meaning to visit so that was nice!
After the graduation we came home and had a really hectic dinner (I don't know when dinner won't be hectic now that we have 15 people eating together!). One thing I'm not a huge fan of is how noisy the house is. There are always a lot of people in the house and they are always making noise! I miss the quiet and the solitude. I am really appreciating the alone time I get when I drive to and from work. I miss having time to myself, to collect my thoughts and just daydream. Even now, as I type this, I can hear every word that is being shouted downstairs and I just wish I could go somewhere more isolated at night. Ah, well it's only a few months..
Tomorrow morning I am going to sign my lease for my apartment for med school...I think the changes that are going on in my life are a lot more realized when there is tangible evidence attached to them..Signing the lease tomorrow will really drive home the fact that I will no longer be driving home after August. It's so weird to think that I'm moving out again and that this time, home won't be my bi-weekly (or whatever the word for every two weeks is) retreat. I'll have to stay at school more because of the exams and studying. It's gonna be different, that's for sure..
I know most of this post seems like I'm not happy with where I am. That's not the case. I just have some adjusting to do. Things at home are different and pretty soon, my home itself will be different. It's just a lot to grasp and having work all day doesn't leave much time for grasping. Ah, I'll get it by the time I have to leave in August. Okay I am so tired now so off to bed!
I hope that you can adjust well with being away from your family. I know that it is hard and lonely at times but you should know that they are always there, and you will always be with them, even when not physically. Congratulations on the lease! That is a step in the road to med school, and you have now passed it. I wish you look with your future roommates =)